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Simple Gardening Steps

Many people are interested in gardening, but do not know the basics on how to get started. You may not be a dummy, but many people refer to themselves in that manner when they are not well versed in a subject. This is a simple way to learn how to garden when you know little about the hobby.

To get started, you should decide on what type of garden you wish to plant. Choose between a vegetable and flower garden and set aside a portion of your yard to put down the plants or the bulbs.

When choosing a spot, make sure you will get adequate sunlight for the type of plants you decide on. Once you decide on these aspects, you can purchase the necessary items to plant including a hoe, shovel, rake, spading fork and watering can.

The next step in the gardening process is to prepare the soil. You must remove the weeds and grass and till the soil. Once the ground is ready, you are ready to begin planting. It is best to plant during an overcast day to avoid the sun’s rays causing damage to your plants. To know how deep to dig your holes, you should simply plant to the depth of the pot that the plant was bought in.

Cover the plant with soil and then water it generously. The final step in the gardening procedure is to perform daily maintenance upon your garden. Continue to provide water for the plants, at least an inch a week. Remember to continue weeding and also remove the dead blossoms from your flowers. With these tips, you can start your own fun and easy garden.